About CIMR® Technology

CIMR® Infection Control Technology actively sanitises air & surfaces throughout any indoor environment within the first 24 hours and provides continuous protection from re-contamination.

CIMR® keeps sanitising the air 24/7/365. CIMR® ¹ produces a non-toxic Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (DHP) gas, that actively seeks and kills all viruses, bacteria, molds, and other fungi. ¹ Continuous Infectious Microbial Reduction ² Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) studies pending.

It was developed over a period of more than a decade in conjunction with the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Air Force and Lamar University, a public University in Beaumont, East Texas.

CIMR is In use by the US Defense Force, NASA (National Air and Space Administration) and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), and several US universities. There are 10,000 installations worldwide including multiple US military bases.

Current technologies include air filtration, electronic air filters/plasma, hydrogen peroxide misting systems (aqueous/liquid), chemical misting systems (aqueous/liquid), ozone  systems, ionic technology, ultraviolet lights, and general chemical disinfectants.

Each of the current technologies and solutions has limitations, in that all filtration systems (e.g., standard, HEPA, electronic, electronic plasma) are passive technologies.

These products rely on the air and pathogens to travel to/through the system.  They will however not affect the pathogen that does not make it to the system. Non-electronic systems will not kill the smaller pathogenic particulates, which will pass through because of their microscopic size.